What your zodiac sign says about you as a PR practitioner

At Action Mary, we recognize that each of us brings a unique power to the table. We were encouraged to take a couple personality quizzes, the Enneagram test and 16 Personalities, to further our own understanding of ourselves as well as using this to learn how to work better together as a team. It’s impossible to encapsulate all the complexities of who you are as a person in a simple quiz result and it’s completely fair to disagree, but I find fun and satisfaction in the opportunity to truly reflect on my own natural tendencies and characteristics. This drive to learn as much as I can about myself led me to my deep interest in astrology. 


Just for fun, I made up my own horoscope with a twist: What does your zodiac sign say about you as a PR practitioner? Look at your sun sign, which is the sign you probably already know based on your date of birth. For a more accurate reading, see what sign rules your 10th house (find your full natal chart here). 


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You set big goals for yourself and challenging requests from clients excite and motivate you. As your sign is ruled by Mars, named after the Roman god of war, you might find yourself gravitating towards crisis communication as you love to be where the action is and you aren’t afraid to be bold and outspoken. 


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You stand by the saying “slow and steady wins the race.” Your teammates find a sense of stability in your natural way of being, especially in times of chaos this industry often brings. With the perfect combination of patience and stubbornness, you have a talent in getting email responses from the most impossible contacts. 


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You often think outside the box and shine during group brainstorms. You also don’t mind juggling multiple clients, in fact, you’re more productive that way since you are easily bored when having to focus on one thing for too long. Always seeking knowledge, it’s rare for you to not have a question. 


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You genuinely care about your clients and it’s easy for you to notice the value and beauty in their work. You excel in building relationships with both your clients and teammates as your intuitive nature helps you understand more than what is said. 


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Anytime that you are presenting or public speaking, the audience is mesmerized by your charisma and personality. You love a celebration and you prioritize giving your team recognition for their success and hard work. 


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Details are everything to you. You’re a perfectionist and likely the best proofreader in the office. You enjoy working behind the scenes and seek to help out whatever way you can, even if it’s not for your own client. 


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Before making a decision, it’s important for you to analyze every single last detail. Your team admires the way you always stand up for what is fair and just. You love aesthetics, whether it’s visual design work or working with clients that are in beauty, fashion, or film industries. 


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You’re most productive when working independently and are extremely self-motivated. Your intense passion is demonstrated through your work, especially when advocating for a client you truly believe in. While investigating a topic, you can get too carried away in deep research.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Your playful energy and optimism is contagious and surely appreciated by those who need a pick-me-up on Monday mornings. Fearless curiosity drives you to be knowledgeable in a multitude of subjects. You always have a story to tell. 


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Always chasing the big picture, your ambition to achieve huge media placements and metrics is inspiring. You have a never ending to-do list but you somehow always find time to do it all. You thrive in spaces where rules and responsibilities are set in place. 


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Authenticity is something you strongly value. Deep thinking gives you a unique perspective that can be seen as other-worldly and eccentric. You hate feeling restrained, especially when your media strategy ideas are rejected for being too original and unconventional.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Driven by your feelings and empathy, you go above and beyond in meeting your clients needs to make them happy. Your imaginative and dreamy nature makes you a powerhouse filled with new ideas. Working in PR feels rewarding to you because you get to use your creative skills for a higher cause.


As we say at Action Mary, it is our differences that unite us and make us stronger. What unique skills and perspectives do you bring to your team? That’s your superpower.


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