5 ways to overcome a creative roadblock

We’ve all been there. Sitting at our desks, eyes closed, brain blank. Especially in our world at Action Mary, we are always looking for the next way to creatively tell our client's stories. Whether it’s design brainstorming, putting together a PR plan, crafting a blog, or anything in between, creativity and innovation are at the forefront of our mission in developing clients' brands (and our own)! But what happens when you get stuck and the gears in your brain come to a screeching halt? 


Creative blocks can mean a lot of different things. But no matter the case, the show must go on! In honor of April 21 being world innovation and creativity day, here are five ways to get over a creative roadblock to help you to discover your next big idea: 



1.      Take a walk. Get moving! A 2014 study conducted by Stanford showed that walking outdoors in the fresh air produced twice as many creative responses compared to a person sitting down. Getting a breath of fresh air can help clear your head, and your next big sensation may be waiting just outside your front door. 

2.      Do a simple task. Unload your dishwasher, declutter your inbox, catch up on some emails, whatever the task may be. Breaking away from the task at hand to do something menial can have excellent effects on creative exploration and can bring you back to your creative process with a fresh new outlook. 

3.      Change your routine. Normally wake up at 7am? Wake up at 6am. Usually jump right from your bed to work? Do a quick workout first. Is your phone the first thing you look at in the morning? Put the phone down, make a cup of coffee, and enjoy your morning. Studies show that changing your routine can have extremely positive effects on your brain function and can lead to more expanded thinking and a boost in creativity. 

4.      Talk it out. Even though most of us work remotely now, it doesn’t mean we aren’t still connected. At Action Mary, we have all taken tests to discover personality styles, which can be a big indicator of creative processing styles. If your company also does this, choose a coworker on the opposite side of the spectrum as you or choose someone you know who thinks differently than you do. Schedule a 10-minute call and see if you can get some insight from them. You will be surprised what you haven’t thought of. 

5.      Listen to music. Crank the tunes! Research shows that listening to music can improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety, which can lead to breakthroughs in creativity. Try listening to a playlist with artists you've never heard of and really listen to the lyrics, they may just inspire you! 


Creative blocks happen to everyone, and it is important to remember that even if you get stuck frequently, this is not to say you aren’t creative. We’re all creatives at heart, you just have to find the right way to shake things up and get your creative juices flowing. Thinking outside the box is a skill everyone can work on sharpening, no matter what industry you’re in.


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