Just do it: Embrace your inner child and find a new hobby

I’ve never considered myself a plant person. In my younger years (okay, it was only like… two years ago), every attempt at keeping a plant alive often resulted in death, destruction, and many dried-out, sad leaves. Plants weren’t meant for me, and I was not meant for plants. 

That is, until COVID-19. 

Today, I am the proud owner of a succulent, and some other thing that has a lot of dangling leaves (don’t ask me what type of plant, I’m not that much of an expert yet). I love them both dearly, like how I imagine a mother loves her firstborn child. And like a mother, I’ve managed to keep them alive. Go me!

It’s a bit funny when you think about it. Leave it to a global pandemic for me to finally take up a new hobby, but it turns out, I’m not alone. All across the world, people are doing things they’ve never done before: learning a new language, learning how to bake sourdough bread, or establishing a new exercise routine. 

Even the fine folks at Action Mary have discovered new activities to keep them sane. One of my coworkers has learned how to knit. Another has taken up running and gaming. Some are trying to better train their dogs. Then there are those who are simply happy to be able to put a lot more time and effort into their existing hobbies, such as reading, discovering new movies, or yoga. 

And good on them for doing it! After all, research shows that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress, low energy, and depression. Activities that get you out and about boost your creativity, making you feel happier and more relaxed. Not to mention, hobbies are a great distraction from the dumpster fire that is 2020. 

I suppose what I am trying to say is: embrace your inner child, go forth, and take the plunge to find a new hobby, much like me and my coworkers have done. Of course, it’s okay if you aren’t sure where to start. If you are feeling stuck, The New York Times has a great guide to help you find your next big passion. The goal is to be fearless, and find something that can keep you inspired, and more importantly, occupied. 

Goodness knows we’ve got the time.


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