For Inspiration, Look to New Role Models

It’s no secret that this past month, and more so this past year, has been a taxing time for many of us. Along with the day-to-day stress that weighs us down, we’re staying indoors and socially distancing ourselves, not to mention the weeks leading up to the recent election where we all collectively held our breath. 

Taking all of this into consideration, it could be a great time to reset and focus our minds on moving forward and achieving new goals. As the saying goes, “there’s no better time than the present.” But where do we look for inspiration to help us get back on track and become motivated again?

When we think about finding inspiration, you might think of reading a quote of the day or meditating. But how often do you think about the role models in your life? With it being National Inspirational Role Models Month in November, it presents a fresh opportunity to reflect on how this source of inspiration can benefit us as adults. I know, when you think about having a role model you usually think of when you were a kid, but even today it can be a source of motivation as you continue to build your career or if you want to grow in your personal life.

According to an article from members of the Forbes Coaches Council, one of the best ways for working professionals to get inspired is by putting up a picture of your hero near your desk. Having this close to your day-to-day workspace can be a daily reminder to see the potential of what can be done. You see this form of advice listed in numerous other business publications, including a piece by psychologist Sherrie Campbell in Entrepreneur, mentioning that studying other people’s stories can be beneficial for finding inspiration and something you can work towards to emulate.

As you grow, you accumulate new role models during different life stages, and with this month recognizing National Role Models Month, it’s a great reminder to think about those who can help you stay inspired. After all, inspiration is needed in our lives, as it springboards creativity, facilitates progress toward goals, and increases well-being. Whether it’s someone in your personal life, a public figure, or even someone you work with, think of who this person, or persons are, and use them as a source of encouragement to help you grow. 

A lot of Americans are looking towards the future at this time, and there are new aspirations that seem more and more possible with each changing day based on what others have achieved. It just might be the helping hand you were needing during this time of change and growth.


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